The climate of Switzerland is changing. The Swiss Climate
Change Scenarios CH2011 provide a new assessment of
how this climate may change over the 21st century. They are
based on new generations of climate models with higher
resolution, improved statistical methods, and an account
of all recent relevant studies as well as the assessments by
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The CH2011 Extension Series
The CH2011 Extension Series improve the existing climate change scenario products from CH2011 in order to better match end-user needs. This work is addressed in several extension articles (in English only) and is coordinated by members of the CH2011-community. As soon as new articles and corresponding scenario data are released, this page is updated accordingly.
CH2011 Extension No. 3
Climate scenarios of seasonal means: inter-variable and inter-seasonal correlations of change estimates
Fischer et al. (2016)